Friday 10 March 2017

The one with the Introduction!

Welcome to Valid if Valid!

This is my first personnel blog. I have been writing for some time now, but never ever I have tried to publish anything I had written previously. But now as I think of it I find it an utter mistake since personally I have always supported the idea of one sharing his/her thoughts with rest of the people. However, as for myself I have never felt comfortable with this *introvert problems*. Cutting it short, I have finally decided to come out of that fake shell. *Fake because every introvert is an extrovert and people make use of this word to hide their reality*
I find it a mistake because knowing everyone's perspective on something lets you weigh your words in right proportion and polish your views. 

You might be wondering: why I named this blog as "Valid if Valid"? Huh! Reason being very simple: whatever I tried on as URL, it was declared invalid and yep there's the catch. I just tried it out of frustration and boo, it worked! 

And I am sure the topic of this post has already suggested that I am a big fan of FRIENDS so a lot from Chandler and Joey will be coming to your way. 

Enjoy your Life like your Coffee!



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