Sunday 12 March 2017

The one where death meets life!

Life and death are the bitter realities of this universe. From the very beginning, the moment we open our eyes, we are told that death takes on life and there is no way out. But this is just how our eyes see it; this is not just it. Life takes on death and when it happens there is nothing more beautiful than this.

For me, death is not closing your eyes for eternity and never opening them again till the day we all are destined to meet again; death does come to a person who is still breathing. It is not the end of his body but the end of his dreams, his desires, his love! This is the death I am talking about. For such a person the death of the body is in fact the eternal bliss for he doesn't have to feel the pain, he suffers every day. 

I have seen many people around me fighting death and losing the battle. But there is this one person who had won the battle. You must be thinking that the person escape death and is living. No this is not the case. He, in fact, died but death took him to his life.

 I saw him lying in the bed, suffering evident from his face, I was sure that since the moment she left him, he had died a hundred times and his endurance had started to leave him. I moved forward to have a word with him, instead I grabbed the pillow by his side and pressed it against his face and pressed it even harder until he passed out even though there wasn't any struggle to stop me. I took the pillow off him to see whether there was any pain left? Ah! death is a strange creature; it leaves people in pain but those who suffer in their life, it leaves them without agony. His face, for the first time in years, seemed content. There was no sign of distress, as if he met the love of his life he has longed for finally in the heavens. It made me a lot more satisfied with what I did. Seeing him, dieing everyday, was killing me inside but seeing his content face brought life to my dead soul. Many of you will judge me based on this. What I did is justified, for the hardest part of the act was killing the person I have loved my entire life.      

Friday 10 March 2017

The one with the Introduction!

Welcome to Valid if Valid!

This is my first personnel blog. I have been writing for some time now, but never ever I have tried to publish anything I had written previously. But now as I think of it I find it an utter mistake since personally I have always supported the idea of one sharing his/her thoughts with rest of the people. However, as for myself I have never felt comfortable with this *introvert problems*. Cutting it short, I have finally decided to come out of that fake shell. *Fake because every introvert is an extrovert and people make use of this word to hide their reality*
I find it a mistake because knowing everyone's perspective on something lets you weigh your words in right proportion and polish your views. 

You might be wondering: why I named this blog as "Valid if Valid"? Huh! Reason being very simple: whatever I tried on as URL, it was declared invalid and yep there's the catch. I just tried it out of frustration and boo, it worked! 

And I am sure the topic of this post has already suggested that I am a big fan of FRIENDS so a lot from Chandler and Joey will be coming to your way. 

Enjoy your Life like your Coffee!