Sunday 2 April 2017

The one with understanding and misunderstanding!

Human nature is strange and weird, and ridiculous sometimes. We, as humans, tend to misunderstand the situation way before we try to understand the situation. Like for example, if we join a conversation in a middle and that is particularly about us, the first thought that hits us is that they are definitely talking about the negative aspects of our personality when in actual they are appreciating how we dress. This is just one of the many examples I have stated here. 

Why we misunderstand?

This is the question that needs to be answered. The reason is because misunderstanding a situation is way easier than understanding it, for understanding requires you to keep calm and patient, to think about the options that are in favour of it, to talk it out and clear things. This is the difficult part. We do not want to understand a person we don't like or probably the person who told you about a particular event is the one you trust more than anyone else and s/he might be lying about it or has misunderstood the situation himself/herself.

It is very important to understand the next person in an argument to make it a discussion, the situation to cultivate the beneficial responses out of it, the circumstances to turn them into your favour. Change yourself to be a person that don't react without understanding the situation but a soul that ponder and think before reacting.

Misunderstanding leads to the results that are fatal for you relationship, business, work environment, for your own self and steals the inner peace in you. Where as understanding will result in a self that is calm more than ever, will have the positive effects on your life and on the lives of those who matter and will save your precious time for you will know whether to waste time on a useless thing or to move on. 

Stay Blessed!!! 😊😊😊